Welcome to 

Al Haq Academy

The Path Taken For Knowledge Is The Path To Paradise.

We need your help for successfully running this Academy

Your donations will support those students who can’t afford their Islamic Educations but are very passionate in learning Deen, Qur’an, Hadith & in doing Dawah. You can also donate your Sadaqah, Zakaat, Hadiyah & Interest money to our academy and we will utilise it accordingly for the welfare of ummah In Shaa Allaah.



Aqeedah (Creed)

In Islam, ‘aqeedah is the matter of knowledge. The Muslim must believe in his heart and have faith and conviction, with no doubts or misgivings, because Allaah has told him about ‘aqeedah in His Book and via His Revelations to His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

Ibaadah (Worship)

Ibaadah (worship) in Arabic means submission and humbling oneself. The Arabs use the phrase tareeq mu’abbad to describe a smooth path which has been become smooth because so many feet have walked on it.



Deeni Taleem (Knowledge)

We believe in the Hadith that “ The seeking of knowledge is obligatory every Muslim”. (Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 74)

Mu’aa-sharah (Community Relations)

Islam established ways of conduct, relationships, and rights and obligations for the individual vis-à-vis members of his family and the nation and for the nation vis-à-vis other nations.


Academy works towards evolving in the process of imparting and seeking knowledge which empowers the students to become exemplary Indian Citizens and Global leaders in the emerging knowledge society with an impetus to promote harmony and peace.


Academyis dedicated to providing strong ethical and moral values while offering a high and wide standard of academic curricula.


We implement Islamic etiquettes, values & behavior as per the Qur’an & Authentic Hadees. There is a Segregation for boys & girls with equal facilities and equal standard in classes. Academy adheres to implement the Islamic dress code with Hijab.

About the School

We teach our children Aqaaid (Creed), Ibaadah (Worship), Deeni Taleem (knowledge) and Mu’aa-sharah (community relations), so that they can grow up to be balanced, pious and educated individuals with Islamic and cultural etiquette with the capacity to understand and work with people from different walks of life. Our school has English & Arabic as its medium of instruction along with other vernacular languages.

Long Courses



Diploma in Islamic Students

Islam & Technology

Short Courses



History of Ahle Hadees

Corporis temporibus maiores provident

This Ummah will divide into seventy-three sects all of which except one will go to Hell and they (i.e. the Saved Sect) are those who are upon what I and My Companions are upon (i.e. those who follow My Way and the Way of my Companions.)

for more information

Contact Us


+91 81860 11250


+91 89191 05123


ALHAQQ ACADEMY, 3rd Floor, Nawaz Towers, Beside Princess Esra Hospital, Shalibanda Charminar, Hyderabad.