
About Islamic Scholars Sayyad Wajid Hasan Madani

Educational Journey
Hifz, Aalimiyat and Fazilat From Jamia Muhammadiyah Mansoora Malegaon Maharashtra
Faculty of Da’wah and Principles of Religion From Islamic University of Madinah Munawwarah , KSA
M.A in Arabic from Maulana Abul Kalam Azad National Urdu University Hyderabad

Teaching and Composing Services:
10 Years Teaching experience in Jamiatul Muflihat Hyderabad
Compilation of some Urdu books in which Tahseen-ul-Faraiz is noteworthy

Dawati Experience
Sermons on Fridays in different mosques of Hyderabad city for almost 10 years and Islamic lectures in different cities of Telangana.

2-Barkatullah Mohammad Madani
Educational Journey:
Aalimiyat and Fazilat From Jamia Muhammadiyah Mansoora Malegaon Maharashtra
Faculty of Hadith From Islamic University of Madinah Munawwarah , KSA
Teaching services
2 Years Teaching experience in Jamia Rahmaniya Nadiyad Gujrat
3 Years Teaching experience in Jamia-tul-Niswan Al-Salafiya Tirupati
2 Years Teaching experience in Jamia-tul-Badr Alasariya Chilkalguda Secunderabad

Dawati Experience: Sermons on Fridays and Islamic lectures in different mosques of Hyderabad city for almost 5 years.

Dr Mohammad Kaleemuddin Omari
Educational Journey
Aalimiyat and Fazilat From Jamia Darul Salam Omarabad Tamilnadu.
M.A From EFL University
P.hd From EFL University

Teaching services
8 Years Teaching experience in jamia tul haramayn shareefayn in Hyderabad
3 Years Teaching experience in jamia tul hira assalafiya chilkalguda in Hyderabad

Dawati Experience
Sermons on Fridays and Islamic lectures in different mosques of Hyderabad city for almost 15 years.

This Ummah will divide into seventy-three sects all of which except one will go to Hell and they (i.e. the Saved Sect) are those who are upon what I and My Companions are upon (i.e. those who follow My Way and the Way of my Companions.)” [Reported by at-Tirmidhee – Hasan]

The Aims of the Salafi Da’wah

  • The Salafi Da’wah is neither directed towards a specific belief nor a particular action. Likewise the Salafi Da’wah is neither a movement of social reform nor a political party.
  • Rather the Salafi Da’wah is that of Islam in the total sense of the word. As Islam is the religion of Allah, it follows therefore, that it is neither the religion of a specific nation nor of a particular group of people.
  • It is the religion intended for the whole earth and all of mankind.

The Distinguishing Characteristics of the Salafi Da’wah
Among the distinguishing characteristics of the Salafi Da’wah are:

  • Actualization of Tawheed in the beliefs, statements, and deeds of the Muslims. Allah says: “Worship Allah (alone) and join none with Him in worship.” [Surah al-Nisa’ 4:36].
  • Actualization of the unity of the Muslims through their strict adherence to the Sunnah. Allah says: “And hold fast all of you together to the Rope of Allah (i.e. the Qur’an) and be not divided among yourselves . . . ” [Surah Aali Imraan 3:103].